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Thursday, January 1, 2009

This week we have to do presentation because we'll be presenting during the second week assembly program.I really don't have much to say.Even though it's quite late but i'm posting my refelction about the trip.It was quite a nice experience to be in Yunnan as there's a lot of beauiful sceneries that we can't get here in Singapore.Then as far as I can remember,being a facilitator isn't an easy task. Anyway there's a very "nice" picture of me in our presentation, all thanks to our presentation community. By Haishah:))

Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Post Trip Reflection

I feel that this trip to Yunnan is the most wonderful and fun trip among the other entire overseas trip I haven been to. After going to this trip, it made me realized a lot of things beyond Singapore and things that I have not realized for a very long time. This trip also made me learnt things that I actually have and don’t have.

After coming back from this trip, I fell that I have become a changed person. I feel that this trip made me become a better person, in a way that I would treat my parents better for what they are and also that they are my parents for 16 years from the moment I am born, they have also taken care of me for the past 16 years without fail, they haven make sure that I haven 3 meals to eat and wont go hungry. I feel that I should thank my parents for what they have done and that I will do whatever I can to support them for their rest of the life when they grow old. Another thing I feel is that I should cherish my parents and enjoy every moment that I have with them now because we might not know what might happen to them any moment. So I will change my attitude towards them and I will help them do the housework whenever I am free so that they can rest. I will also remember the curfew they give me when I go out. To me parents are the most important in this world!

After visiting the schools in Yunnan, it made me understand that whatever I have now can actually mean nothing if I do not cherish and treasure it well. I feel that the Yunnan students are actually very good students and they have a lot of dreams and goals to fulfill. But in their country is different. Only those who have relationship to the officials and government people are able to fulfill and go towards their dreams. For those whose parents are farmers, their children will also be farmers for the rest of their lives, meaning that what their parents are, is what they will be in future. So I feel that being able to study in Singapore is very lucky because we are able to complete our education from primary to secondary school to junior college/polytechnic then if you do well you are able to go to university. So I feel that we Singaporeans must cherish the education system that we have and study well so that we will be able to find a good job in future.

I feel that the scenery there is very nice, it is like even nicer than Singapore, and we can also see the snow mountain there which is even nicer. The people of china are also heart-warming and friendly to us. Especially the tour guide, she would always talk to us on the bus ride to another destination more about china and their history. Also, the waiter and waitress were also very friendly and their services were also very good. But when it comes to bargaining for things, the china people are like a sudden change of person, they became very fierce and loud towards us, hahha.

To me I feel that the Yunnan there is quite okay to me after being there for a few days because i think that my body is able to adapt to the environment there. On the day we reached kunming airport, the weather was like so cold! I have to put on all the winter clothing and I look like a penguin, haha. Even though I am able to take the temperature, sometimes when we are at high altitude, I would get headaches and would want to vomit. I feel that it is common for us as our body is not familiar with the environment there and also when we go there we will need more oxygen as the oxygen level there is low. I really wish that we will stay longer there as I want to enjoy more of the scenery there and also spent more time with the chestnut drive secondary and jurong junior college and regent secondary students.

I feel that we should pity the people there also. Because the people which live in the rural areas such as the mountains did not get to bath always and the had to wear the clothing the worn for like 1 week as the only get to bath once a week. Also when I saw the conditions there at Long Pan secondary, it was very far different from Singapore. The students were very hardworking and they would spent their free time studying and playing sports, not like us Singaporean students, we would play computer games when free. If we were to live there without technology for 1 day, I feel that we would not be able to survive there because we rely too much on technology. I think that we should learn from them as it will do us good.

Overall I feel that this trip is the most memorable trip. If I were given a chance to go again, I would not hesitate to agree because I feel that it is a good learning experience for me. I would also encourage those people who are always naughty in class to go for this kind of trip in future, because in my opinion I think that when he come back from the trip, he will become a change person. I think that after going this trip, we should cherish whatever that we have now, because we might not even know when we might lose our closest kin, opportunities and even things we have.


Monday, December 1, 2008

Here's the photos taken in Yunnan!


Sunday, November 30, 2008


Hope you are all doing well. Tmr there will be our 1st post trip meeting.
Venue: AVA Room
Time: 10am
Dresscde: Normal Sch based uni (no slippers please)

Please bring along the following:
1. Photos (softcopy will do)
2. Souvenirs (for fund raising)
3. Reflections

See you soon!
Ms Shuhadah


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

click on the photo to see more pictures .
hello peeps !
at last , i've successfully uploaded all the pictures in China .
all you have to do is ,
click on howsun's picture & you'll be at my photo blog .
i wont be sending any pics to ya'll .
you have to save it by yourself yaww .
hehe .
btw , tommorow there's an outing .
we'll be meeting all the yunnan trippers (:
i cant wait .
so , thats all :P
toodles .

Monday, November 24, 2008


I hope you all had a good rest. Saw Jahan today in school. I hope you are happy with your purchases. I know that I am. I got these at a really unbelievable price!

Anyway I guess this trip is an outing that will definately hard to forget. So this 1st December we will be compiling all our photos...and hopefully they are experts amongst us who can come out with a really cool montage.

I leave you with a glimpse of our happy group adventure!

Psssttt... btw you may want to have a look at our schoolmates who are currently in Hanzhou check out their blog http://sharontayquek.theinstantblogger.com/

Ms Shuhadah


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hi Alaine here! this is very important ! read on !

From jessica

1) Do your post trip reflections. one page on microsoft word. Deadline, 23rd of November, Sunday. You can write about anything regarding the trip. How you feel about everything or anything. Okay? (your group ic should have told you)

2) If you haven't paid the $2 for the gift or you haven't gotten your change, please direct all monetary stuff to Alaine/Shane. I understand that some of you will be meeting only on 1st Dec or later. Can we agree to settle all this money by the 5th of December? I'd meet both Shane and Alaine on the 5th.

3) Instructions for the photos are below. Please send them to me by Tuesday.

That will be it for now. I understand the trip is over but please work with me to finish it well.



Dear JJ Yunnan trippers!

I hope you enjoyed the trip as much as I do, or if not, more than I do! (:

I'm happy that there are still some post-trip stuff to do :

1.0 Everyone here, BY TUESDAY, 25NOV'08 please send Jessica ( at bluishsweetpotatoez@hotmail.com ) ALL the photos that are related to yunnan trip, including the preparation, briefing, etc.

1.1 Please remember, very important: PLEASE, DO NOT reduce the quality of your pictures in any way.

1.2 If you are sending her by E-MAIL, please compress them into .zip files first. neater this way. DO name your zip files like this: yn_yourname_01 . its even neater this way.

I hope you are clear about this, any questions just sms or msn me.

Please do spread this msg around. Thank you !

AND remember!!! : )


And amazing ah jos, I have the LUCK" to be the first photo there ah ! -.-


Regent sec(:
a group of 18 students
who went for yunan trip
on 14 nov - 21 nov


Ms Shuhadah & Ms Low

The Trippers♥

RegentSec Home Page ♥

Ai Jia
Hui Zhi
Kai Ler
Yi Fang


November 2008
December 2008
January 2009